Engtec Consulting Inc. is certified by Canadian Council of Independent Laboratories (CCIL) for Hot-mix Asphalt (Superpave and Marshall) and Aggregate Testing. To download a copy of Engtec Consulting Inc.’s current CCIL certification, please click on the appropriate link:
Engtec Consulting Inc. is certified by Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) for Hot-mix Asphalt Performance Testing. Our current Certification letter issued by Ministry of Transportation, Ontario (MTO) is as follows:
Engtec Consulting Inc. owns an operates a Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO) certified Heavy Weight/Falling Weight Deflectometer (HWD/FWD). Our current Certification letter issued by Ministry of Transportation, Ontario (MTO) is as follows:
Engtec Consulting Inc. operates a High Speed Inertial Profilograph compliant with LS-292 Standard. Our Profilograph Certifications for Asphalt and Concrete Pavements are as follows:
Registry appraisal and qualification system (RAQS) Qualifications
Pavement Design – High Complexity
Soils and Pavement Investigations – Complex
Pavement Evaluation – Flexible
Pavement Evaluation – Rigid
Bituminous – Hot Mix Asphalt Mix
Design Testing
Bituminous – Hot Mix Asphalt Quality
Assurance Testing.
Engtec Consulting Inc. is an active member of the various associations that operate in North America. These affiliations allow Engtec to operate on the cutting edge of technology and research, that is being undertaken nationally and internationally within our engineering community. Engtec Consulting Inc. is an active and contributing member of the following organizations:
- Professional Engineers Ontario - www.peo.on.ca
- Ontario Asphalt Pavement Council - www.onasphalt.org
- Canadian Certified Independent Laboratories - www.ccil.com
- Transportation Association of Canada - www.tac-atc.ca
- American Society of Testing Materials - www.astm.org
- Canadian Technical Asphalt Association - www.ctaa.ca
- Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists - www.asphalttechnology.org
- Asphalt Road Recycling Association - www.arra.org
- Ontario Stone Sand and Gravel Association - www.ossga.com
This is a direct result of the dedicated service level that is maintained for all projects irrespective of their value.